The amount that the super-lucky winners will receive will be tax-free and non-disposal
The clock is counting down to the super Christmas tax collector which will distribute up to 100,000 euros to lucky taxpayers who use electronic money in their daily transactions.
Just before the Christmas, the AADE has carried out the last tax collection of the year. From this particular draw, 12 super-lucky taxpayers will win 100,000 euros each. The amount they receive will be tax-free and non-disposal. Smaller prizes of 1,000 euros will also be drawn from the unused amounts of previous draws.
Those who have won a prize of €50,000 in a monthly draw will be excluded from the big annual draw.
It is noted that every month draw five hundred and 556 lucky numbers are drawn as follows:
- 1 who wins 50,000 euros,
- 5 who win 20,000 euros
- 50 who win 5,000 euros,
- 500 who win 1,000 euros.
The lachnos
The maximum transaction limit is set at 10,000 euros per month and per participant, and for every one euro spent using a card or other electronic means of payment, one charge is calculated. However Lusts are increased in the following cases:
- If the amount consumed using a card or other electronic means of payment within the reference month exceeds 30%, 50% or 70% of the monthly income, the fees are doubled, tripled or quadrupled respectively
- Citizens with an annual, individual, actual net income, taxable and exempt from the submitted income tax return which is the last one for which the submission deadline has passed, less than 1,000 euros as well as those who are not obliged to submit an income tax return, enjoy double the tax for each euros they consume without the further increase according to the percentage of the monthly income consumed with electronic means of payment.
- The allowances of each participant are increased by 50% on those calculated according to the above, for each protected child, as shown on a case-by-case basis from the parents’ joint or separate income statement.
- Citizens with an annual, individual, actual net income, taxable and exempt from the submitted income tax return which is the last for which the submission deadline has passed, equal to or greater than 60,000 euros, receive one (raffle ticket for every euro they consume, excluding the The monthly income of this subsection means 1/12 of the annual, individual, effective net income, taxable or exempt of the submitted income tax return which is the last one for which the submission deadline has passed and does not include the income resulting from the added evidence difference.
Who participates in the monthly draws?
Natural persons who have a VAT number in Greece and are over 18 years of age automatically participate in the public lotteries, based on the data collected by the tax administration, under the following conditions:
- Make transactions using a card or other electronic means of payment,
- They have filed an income tax return for the last tax year for which the deadline for late filing has passed, if they are liable.
The prizes
The cash prizes are credited to the payment account that the interested party has declared or will declare for this purpose in myAADE of AADE, in the “Registry and Contact” option and in which it is required to appear as a beneficiary. Citizens who are drawn and have not declared a payment account, are given a period of 3 months from the day after the date of the draw, in order to declare to AADE, the account to which they wish the prize money to be credited. In this case, the amount is credited free of charge, after the declaration of the payment account.