Who does it concern?
The submission of electronic applications of beneficiaries for the culture and entertainment program of the Public Employment Service (DYPA) for the period 2023-2024 has been extended until 23:59 today, Monday.
The purpose of the program is the intellectual development of the workforce, its stimulation artistic creation and business support.
For the first time, this year, film companies also participate in the program, the categories of beneficiaries are expanded and vulnerable groups are strengthened, as points are provided for people with disabilities and single parents.
In total, up to 150,000 checks will be issued, with a total budget of 2,250,000 euros.
The maximum value of checks is:
- for the central theater scenes at 15 euros and at 12 euros for the children’s theater scenes,
- for movie screenings at 6 euros for general admission and 5 euros for children’s films and
- for 3D film screenings at 10 euros for general admission and 9 euros for children’s films.
With the check (voucher)the beneficiaries and beneficiaries can watch the theater performance or the film of their choice from the register of DYPA providers, without paying any additional amount.
Beneficiaries’ applications are submitted exclusively online, via gov.grat the email address: https://www.gov.gr/ipiresies/ergasia-kai-asphalise/apozemioseis-kai-parokhes/epitages-theamatos.
Specifically, the path is: Home/Employment and Insurance/Compensations and Benefits/Entertainment checks.
Beneficiaries are:
- employees with a dependent employment relationship under private law at the end of the deadline for submitting applications or
- insured in the e-EFKA in their professional category with contributions in favor of the unemployment branch of the DYPA at any time between 01/01/2022 and the day before the application deadline or
- unemployed with a continuous unemployment period of at least three months on the application deadline.
The income of the beneficiaries of all categories must not exceed 30,000 euros, except for the long-term unemployed, who, if single, must have an income of up to 16,000 euros, up to 24,000 euros, if married, plus 5,000 euros per child or, if they are single parents, up to 29,000 euros, additional by 5,000 euros for each child, after the first and, in addition, they must not have a gross income from business activity of more than 80,000 euros. Beneficiaries of the program are the spouses of the beneficiaries, when they are indirectly insured members, as well as the children of the beneficiaries over the age of five, provided that they are indirectly insured members of their own or the other parent.
As stated in a relevant announcement, the selection of beneficiaries is based on the scoring of specific criteria (disabled, single parent, number of children and income), in an objective and transparent manner, through the Integrated Information System (ISIS) of DYPA.
In cases where supporting documents are required, these are attached to the online applications.
The providers of the program are the theater and film companies of any legal form, which operate in accordance with the current legislation.
Provider applications are submitted until 15/12/2023 exclusively online, via gov.grat the email address: https://www.gov.gr/ipiresies/ergasia-kai-asphalise/apozemioseis-kai-parokhes/parokhoi-epitagon-theamatos.
Specifically, the path is: Home/Work and Insurance/Compensation and Benefits/Spectancy Check Providers.
Providers participate in the program by offering a certain number of square seats to watch performances and films during the period 2023-2024.
It is noted that providers wishing to apply for multiple theaters or cinemas must have DYPA codes.
For more information: https://www.dypa.gov.gr/deltia-theamatos.