“I am vindicated by actors like Dimitris Imellos, who, however, started his last journey towards the light” said the television critic, leaving spikes in the comments against her for her criticism of Christoforos Papakaliatis
TV critic Popi Diamantakou said her own “farewell” to the actor Dimitris Imello, who passed away yesterday, in a post on social media, which also made an indirect reference to the comments heard recently, after her sharp post for Christoforos Papakaliatis.
“The “Fragkiadakis” of Imellos. Yes, I was moved as soon as I learned about the death of Dimitris Imellos, the “Antonis Fragiadakis” of “Sasmos”, who had won me over with his respect in a role that did not give much room for interpretation. And yet, he had single-handedly raised the bar and kept it high throughout the long – very long, to the point of exhaustion – duration of the series, adopting the Cretan accent with the absolute naturalness of an actor who has learned to work every role. It was as if Crete was his place, as if he had grown up listening to this local folk song, as if he had grown up with it.
That’s why he was great. Because yes, he shone in the theater, but how many saw him on the stage board? How many could see him? As Antonis Fragiadakis, however, he was seen everywhere in the Greek region, he was seen by all those who would never, ever be able to see him in the theater. He knew it and honored them as best he could, bypassing the small dimensions of the television screen, setting aside its conveniences.
And since I’m reading some snobbish comments in here, that they don’t honor his memory, those who refer to his TV role and not his theater, the really good actor is visible everywhere. He is the one who always respects the audience, whoever they are. After all, economic and spatial possibilities cannot separate viewers into those who deserve the authentic and the best and those who swallow garbage, because they cannot do otherwise.
This is also for actors who have lost their temper, in their anxiety lest they find themselves outside the circuits and these days I hear them defending our… national blindness, thinking that thanks to it they will exist. But I grew up with “Actor means light”. I am vindicated by actors like Dimitris Imellos, who, however, started his last journey towards the light. Goodbye” wrote Popi Diamantaku.