Aiming at a modern and efficient public administration, friendly to citizens and “business”
“The multidimensional modernization of the state and the strengthening of the new development model of the country, need a modern and efficient public administration, friendly to citizens and the “business” that constantly reduces bureaucracy and saves resources,” the Minister of Digital Governance pointed out to APE, Dimitris Papastergiou.
“With the draft law on the “Digital Services Act” that we are bringing to the Parliament next Tuesday, in addition to establishing important measures for the implementation of the European “Regulation”, we are introducing interventions, such as the abolition of the issuance of certificates or the possibility of providing consent through of the Wallet, with the aim of improving and maximizing the utilization of the Government’s digital services and applications” he continued and added that “every day we want to contribute to the strengthening of a digital state that reduces bureaucracy, even digital, respects citizens and businesses and “builds” relationships of trust”.
In particular, the draft law which will be submitted to the competent committee of the Parliament for processing next Tuesday, March 19, establishes rules that all member states should apply regarding so-called intermediary services, such as search engines, hosting providers, online marketplaces and social media. The rules focus on preventing and tackling illegal and harmful online activities, combating disinformation and protecting minors, and aim to ensure a safe, predictable and trustworthy digital environment across the EU.
We should mention that in Greece the responsibility for the supervision and control of compliance with the rules of the Digital Services Act rests with the National Telecommunications and Posts Commission (EETT), which will be the National Coordinator of Digital Services.
What are the four changes?
1. Abolition of the issuance of supporting documents for the processing of administrative procedures
In cooperation with the Ministry of the Interior, in accordance with this provision, the issuance of certificates is abolished, as it is expected that all the supporting documents required for the processing of administrative procedures will be obtained directly from the competent bodies of the State without the need for the citizen to present them.
2. Possibility of providing consent through the wallet
Citizens will be given the opportunity to give their consent through the in order for the information systems and applications of the public sector bodies to obtain the data required to carry out a transaction.
It should be noted that the submission of a digital copy of the identity card will also be accepted by public sector bodies, which can also be saved in pdf file format and will have a unique verification identification number.
3. “Audit-Car” digital service
We will not need to have the necessary documents such as license, driver’s license, road tax, car insurance in the glove box of our car in order to show them if requested by the competent control authorities. Through the “myAuto” digital service, the Authorities will have access to vehicle information and will be able to check, following a specific verification process, the digital documents until the operation of the “Audit-Car” digital service is completed. Let us remind you that the myAuto application records the information related to the date of issuance and revocation of the vehicle license, the date of payment of vehicle taxes and the time period to which they relate, the period of insurance coverage in force and the history of insurance claims, in the history of the Technical Control Center Vehicles in Greece or abroad if the vehicle was imported used, the type and model of the vehicle, the technical inspection of the vehicle, etc.
4. “Gigabit Connectivity Voucher Scheme”
The Gigabit Connectivity Voucher Scheme will provide households and businesses with ultra-high speed broadband. The purpose of the program is to increase the penetration of ultra-high speed broadband services. In practice, the program subsidizes the acquisition of ultra-high-speed broadband by providing vouchers to cover the cost of acquiring ultra-high-speed broadband.